I have always loved the water; from a young age, my parents took me on cruises. When on the cruise ships my favorite part was learning how they operate and talking to the captain and officers to understand how the different systems worked together. Since I could only be on cruises during vacation I wanted to pursue my love of the water in other ways, and that is when I found Sea Scouts and the Coast Guard Auxilary. Scouts and the Auxiliary have allowed me to be much more hands-on. I had the opportunity to serve aboard a Korean war-era T-boat gaining a lot of hands-on experience. On this T-boat I helped to maintain the engine, pilot, navigate, and perform hull repairs. I also had the opportunity to go on a sailboat during an advanced leadership training course called SEAL. Onboard, I learned how to function as part of a crew. The leadership training involved us rotating through different positions on the ship including boatswain, navigator, lookout, helmsman, and cook. I am now attending Webb Institute in Glen Cove Long Island so I can continue to pursue my interest in ship design and engineering.